Trees control

Trees, especially when under stress conditions like drought, lack of nutrient, excessive or wrong pruning, roots pruning caused by digging, etc., can get attached by various number or pathogens and insects.

If you think your tree is suffering from pests or diseases don’t hesitate to call us, a prompt treatment often leads to an easy and complete recovery of your tree. At MA we are trained in recognizing an ample spectrum of pests and diseases and we always try to treat the causes first not only the symptoms. We analyze every aspect of the surround areas and your tree we will give you a diagnose that wont harm your tree and the environment and will provide a long-term treatment for restoring your tree’s health.

Elm leaf beetle control

ELB is a very serious threaten to your Elm tree, these beetles do not only damage the leaves of the tree but they are vectors of the fungus causing the Dutch elm disease (Ophiostoma ulmi and Ophiostoma novo-ulmi) which is a devastating fungal infection that is almost always fatal for the infected tree.

The fungus blocks the vascular tissues of the tree which won’t be able to get enough nutrients to support its vital functions, the consequence is sections of the crow that begin to die and eventually the whole tree dies.

If you have an Elm tree or a Zelkova in your garden and see some holes in the leaves call us immediately for a treatment against the beetles, having your tree treated enhance its chances to avoid getting infected by the fungus. Australia hosts the biggest concentrations of elm trees in the world, so it’s paramount protecting and promptly treating them in order to ensure a future for this species of tree.

Possum control

They can cause considerable damages to your trees and vegetations but often installing a possum band and undertaking an isolation pruning (particularly on big trees) you can resolve the issue without harming the possums; acting in this way trees and vegetations are able to recover themselves in a very short period of time.

Possum bands typically are sheets of clear polycarbonate treated for being UV resistant, and are usually installed around the trunk and the main branches, with these guards mounted on your tree possums won’t have access to it anymore preventing grazing and nesting damages.

If the tree at issue has his branches close to other trees or vegetation often an isolation pruning is required for completely separating the tree from the surrounded plants, with the aid of the possum bands we ensure you that your tree is completely isolated and no possum can access it.

If these options are not practical, we also install possum fencing which is a wire electric fence that goes mounted on top of your existing fence, this will keep the possum away from their usual pathway

Calling us we will give you the best solution for managing this nuisance!